Councilman popular and Totana Renewable Energy, Felix Cayuela, stressed that "the regional government is above all and above all, a government by and for Murcia, something that has proven particularly as relates to the defense of such an important sector for the region such as renewables ".
Cayuela has said that "when the regional government has to fight for the interests of its citizens, not serving acronym or political parties, but to the citizens, for it is they who should be. And we would like that sense of Region I also had other political parties. "
As pointed out, "the regional government no pulse trembled when in 2011 Zapatero issued a rule which cut the rights of producers of renewable since filed an appeal challenging the constitutionality of that provision, nor has he now trembled for further appeal against the current central government, all to defend the interests of Murcia. This application reached the record of the Constitutional Court on 20 September. "
In this regard, the council has criticized "the hypocrisy that demonstrate the socialists to establish itself now advocates for the families affected by the new regulations of the central government on renewables, when just two years ago the water danced when trimmed Zapatero affected them raw. "
Finally, Cayuela has said that "from the Popular Party were glad that the PSOE add now defend renewable producers, although their intentions, so that has been shown, more responsive to partisan interests to their sense of ' Region 'or policy coherence. "
Source: PP Totana. Foto: archivo