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JST: "The PP plays confusion with thousands of opponents of the Teacher Corps in the Region" (18/04/2013)

Totana Young Socialists began his statement warning that "the People's Party Government in the Region of Murcia, with Education Minister Constantine Sotoca forward, is playing with opponents since rumors began holding competitions to the Body 2013 Teachers "

JST argues that "given the lack of clarity from the regional government, it is not known what will happen to the interim, how to organize the lists with certainty and the percentage to be awarded finally to the merits, and many do not more than wreak havoc on opponents'

In addition, young socialists remark that "to boot, now comes the rumor of the excessive decrease of places to call, as the Central Government requires that the call will stick to the 10% restocking fee legal, leaving at 53 the positions to be filled. "

"A situation - add-in which Sotoca and was warned by unions that could happen, and no regional official would give importance to education."

Given this, JST ends stating that "we have an unsustainable situation, where the PP still groping while improvising on the fly, without thinking of the thousands of people who depend on their erroneous and uncertain decisions."

Source: JST

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