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The PP believes the debate Totana priority for the government is to recreate jobs and growth (16/04/2013)

The People's Party President Totana, Bartholomew Peñalver, has said the priority for the Government is returning to employment and growth and continue the reformist path with new measures for growth: the first and most important a new payment plan Providers.

The main novelty of the new Plan will be required to pay in 30 days to curb delinquency and the goal is to give more reliability to the authorities and prevent the delay in payment of bills cause the dissolution of companies.

With the first plan have injected EUR 37.372 million to SMEs and independent, especially, and saved more than 170,000 jobs.

Thanks to the collective effort of all citizens and all administrations, Spain is thriving.

It has reduced the structural deficit 2.6 percent of GDP (the highest in the history of Spain and the developed countries).

In addition, public expenditure restraint has allowed autonomy have closed an average deficit of 1.7% and the balance of the balance of payments has been around in the past, allowing us to better fund us now.

Peñalver said that the Government has had to take very difficult, but let us put ourselves in the best starting point to end the crisis.

The idea is to work to make this the last year of the economic crisis.

As mentioned, the priority for the Government is out of the crisis: an effort in which all depend on each other.

The concern is to create jobs, fund public services and return to growth, political debates not want to distract from the main goal.

Said again not understanding how groups of PSOE and IU in the City Council have voted against the initiative of the adjustment plan Provider Payment Plan, thus opposing almost 90 Totana associations, sports clubs and many cultural institutions , social, health and NGOs to collect the debt owed to the council by the realization of their projects and activities until January 2012.

Source: PP Totana. Foto: archivo Totana.com

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