The Mayor of Totana, Isabel Maria Sanchez, along with Councilwoman Social Care and Citizenship, Maria Josefa Sanchez, were present at the inauguration of the "XII International Conference of Charity and Volunteering UCAM 2013" in Murcia who have had the Totana representation through the stand of the National Association Our Lady Salus Infirmorum and Rare Diseases Association "D'Genes" Totana.
Until the site have also transfer this morning the Minister for Health and Social Policy, Mari Ángeles Palacios, Mayor of Murcia, Miguel Ángel Cámara, UCAM president, José Luis Mendoza, among others, to kick off the conference .
This volunteer sample is included within the International Conference of Charity and Volunteering, organized by the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), in collaboration with the International Institute of Charity and Volunteer John Paul II, IICV, and the Ministry of Social Policy Murcia.
The sample, as is traditional, is located in the Paseo Alfonso X of Murcia city is home to more than 50 associations through which it aims to create a space for reflection and information for national associations and international aid and for those are involved in social development work.
The mayor stressed that it is important that Totana exported outside the municipality, through this exhibition, as it is and behaves great local associations, actively involving hundreds of people.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana