The Espuña Regional Park and its surroundings have obtained the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (CETS), a quality certificate issued by the European Federation of National Parks (Europarc) which aims to harmonize tourism development and preservation of natural heritage and cultural protected area sustainability criteria in tourism-related activities.
This distinction helps to situate Espuña and its environment as enclaves of excellence in sustainable tourism at European level, promote economic development that respects the environment and implement quality tourism products.
To do this, the directors of the Presidency and of Culture and Tourism, Manuel Campos and Pedro Alberto Cruz, respectively, the vice president of the Commonwealth Tourism Espuña, Isabel Toledo, and the manager of Integral, Cayetano Garcia, the mayor of Totana, Isabel Maria Sanchez, and Mayor of Alhama, Alfonso Ceron, today signed the commitment of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in this area in order to promote tourism that meets the principles of sustainable development.
Here are initialed the accreditation certificate by the CETS representative Europarc Spain, Javier Gómez-Limón, curator and director Espuña Regional Park, Juan de Dios Cabezas.
Espuña "is a unique area of ​​the region, characterized by gathering outstanding and unique environmental values ​​and a rich cultural heritage, which place it as an enclave with a strong tourism and economic potential," said Campos.
According to Campos, "this award reflects the commitment of the regional government with the core values ​​of the region, such as the environment and tourism, patent policies of reinvesting profits, environmental and social responsibility", and "in that spirit is has worked since 2010, which has resulted in a strategy and an action plan consisting of 64 actions designed to protect and enhance the heritage, improve the quality of tourism and integrate tourism in the natural, cultural, economic and human. "
Meanwhile, the head of Tourism said that it is a "milestone" for creating "brands, legitimacy contexts, processes and effective marketing strategies."
Cruz said the Sustainable Tourism Charter is "a priceless and incomparable endorsement" as well as "a solution from the standpoint of economic and tourism for this lung of Murcia and the Mediterranean."
"Right now," said Cruz, "the tourist needs and values ​​environments healthier, more susceptible to the welfare and more balanced."
In addition, "today, the greatest innovation that there is nature, as it will become the biggest technology XXI century".
Both directors agreed to invite all governments and stakeholders "to work actively in the development of this process, jeopardizing everything necessary to keep up the circumstances in the challenge of accession to the European Charter for Tourism This sustainable regional park ".
Quality Project for the natural and cultural heritage
The European Charter for Sustainable Development (CETS) to Espuña Regional Park and its surroundings, is a tool of work and planning for the next five years to move actively pursuing effective and sustainable tourism in protected natural area.
Tourism development Espuña be based on a roadmap with 64 performances, ranked in ten key points that ensure adequate tourism sustainability criteria and comply with an order of priority in time and space.
Priority will be given to cooperation, the development and implementation of a strategy and action plan adequate space, protection and promotion of natural and cultural heritage, provide a quality experience to visitors and promoting public awareness.
The promotion of specific tourist products for space, training, protection and support the quality of life of the local population, the economic and social development and control of the flow of visitors, are other measures included in this project tourism.
A European Charter may join tourism businesses through a partnership contract with the protected area, which includes a plan to improve the sustainability and tour operators.
In the work of the European Charter were representatives of the ministries of the Presidency and of Culture and Tourism, the city councils of Aledo, Alhama de Murcia, Mula, Pliego and Totana, Tourist Commonwealth Espuña five associations conservationists, tourism operators, a women's environment, four neighborhood associations and the Association of Biologists.
European Charter for Sustainable Development
The European Charter Network currently has 78 protected areas in eight European countries, involving local tourism businesses as partners of the European Charter, regional and local authorities and NGOs, among others.
At present, there are 27 candidates to obtain the European Charter, belonging to 9 countries.
It is accredited by the Europarc Federation, an umbrella organization Protected Natural Areas from 38 European countries, and also meets European and global priorities expressed in Agenda 21, adopted at the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992 and the Programme of Action VI Community Environment, sustainable development.
Founded in Basel (Switzerland) in 1973, the Federation has the highest priority Europarc help protected areas fulfill their role as conservators of the natural beauty of Europe.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana