The Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the City of Murcia Totana and Speleological Federation will develop a project for the enhancement of the Cueva de la Moneda, unknown to many people even in the region, which include visits and activities that promote adventure tourism in the area.
La Cueva de la Moneda is a cavity located in the extreme southwest of Sierra Espuña, in the town of Totana, and has one of the rooms with large lithological formations of the largest in the Region of Murcia, of great scientific, educational and tourism.
Both government and the Federation of Speleology of the Region of Murcia, through the company "Ecoespuña, SL" specializing in environmental education and interpretation of heritage and tourist services will develop a conservation project and guided tours.
The project aims at the enhancement of this natural area through signage and environmental conservation, protection and security of the facility to improve access to it, and a guided tour program to promote adventure tourism.
In addition, it will develop a coordinated outreach campaign Speleological Federation to publicize the existence and natural goodness and tourist cave.
The mayor, Isabel Maria Sanchez, recently met with representatives of the Federation and that company to advance the development of this project, about which he said "has not been given almost nothing to promote conservation and agree commissioning the project. "
Add to this that recently have discovered numerous photographs of great antiquity, some of which date back to 1676 until more recently.
The cave is located in a territory with gaps highly stratified dolomites, dominated by dark gray colors with some blue hues of the Triassic period.
The cave has two entrances and features a large main room, about 63,000 cubic meters of volume, and measures 45 meters long by 50 wide and 28 high, respectively.
Inside are large litogénicas formations, stalactites and stalagmites both as large castings on the walls, all uniquely beautiful.
Apparently, they have special value stalagmite washes over 10 meters long and about 12 meters height on the main room.
There are indications of the existence of an archaeological site on the outside, confirmed by serendipity dispersed ceramic Bronze Age.
The mayor, Isabel Maria Sanchez, recently met with representatives of the Federation and that company to advance the development of this project, about which he said "has not been given almost nothing to promote conservation and agree commissioning the project. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana