The Full Council of Totana in regular meeting yesterday unanimously approved the motion of the Corporate Hall to dedicate a public space to the figure of the "Voluntary Anonymous" Totana as public recognition of her selfless work for the benefit of the community and the general interest of the municipality.
They also gave the nod, with the abstention of the PSOE and IU voting against the proposal to support the ceramic industry with the new European regulations for lead and cadmium in food grade products.
Through this proposal asks the representation of the Spanish Association of Cities of Ceramics, to be an association of state level, with the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, the European Parliament and Food Health Agency EU , in order to fight more effectively against the proposed new regulations cited in the preceding paragraphs.
Also approved the proposal of Urban-Hall for the declaration of special interest or municipal utility Finishings record processed at the behest of the Irrigation Association's "Campix Water" by carrying out repairs after the rains of the past September 28.
On another note, has given its approval, with votes in favor of PP and United Left and the abstention of the PSOE, the proposal of Councillor Company and productive sectors to the invitation to tender for the provision of name and logo Totana business incubator.
Political groups
On the other hand, has unanimously approved the proposal of the Municipal People to support the immediate passage of the Basic Law on Local Government with which you can solve the big problem of local finance.
In addition, the motion was approved Municipal Socialist Group support ECI "The human right to water and sanitation."
The plenary, after approving the motion of the Municipal Group of United Left-Greens, require the Central Government to the Commonwealth Taibilla Channel remains a public water supply manager in all municipalities.
Also approved the proposal of the Socialist Group, with the amendment to the totality of the Popular Party, on the extension of Plan Prepare aimed at people that delimit their unemployment benefits.
In addition, approval was given to the motion of the Municipal Socialist Group, as amended by the PP to which the request for review of the manuals for local municipal public self.
In another order was given the nod to the proposal of the Municipal Group of United Left, along with the addition of PP amendment, to require the Department and the Ministry of Health's maintenance program to prevent colon cancer with the objectives tion and sections referred to in 2006.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Foto: