Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba presented last week at the headquarters of the PSOE federal "Plan for Growth, Employment and Competitiveness", a document that was created with the desire to achieve great political and social agreement to combat unemployment.
Totana Socialist Youth supports these measures, and calls urgently implemented.
They also ask the immediate abrogation of the Labor Reform to convert the exploited workers of indecently.
Among the measures the PSOE proposes to combat unemployment, and especially against youth unemployment include:
That banks with public aid objectives have credit for SMEs and entrepreneurs.
Create a public fund of 20,000 million euros for financing companies, promoting self-employment and entrepreneurship.
Convert the ICO in Finance Agency.
Stimulate the creation of new jobs by 100% exemption from social security contributions in the first year to companies with fewer than 50 workers who believe new employment.
An exemption would happen to 75% the 2nd year of the contract and 50% the third year.
Recruiting young people with specific support to companies that do.
Encourage entrepreneurship by setting a maximum price of 50 euros for the six months to entrepreneurs, allowing unemployment benefits compatible with the regime of self-quotation.
Unemployed: Strengthening the PREPARE program, including the groups that the government took in August, especially young people.
Urgently increase the education offered training places.
Source: Juventudes Socialistas de Totana