In it, the former mayor of Albacete, D.
Manuel Perez Castell, told us about his experience in front of City Hall, strategies to solve the problems of citizens, and how you can "give life" to a city.
The conference was followed by an intense and fruitful discussion on the issues raised.
There were a number of ideas that we want to emphasize:
The city council of a city is to serve, not to command.
The success of creating a participatory budgeting is that people are aware that it is she who holds everything that is done in the city.
People want to know, they need full transparency of the council.
To conduct participatory budgets, expenses of a municipality must be transparent, with an honest administration, working to serve and not to be served.
Already there are several municipalities in Spain to prepare their annual budgets with the involvement of residents, giving priority to costs on others, reviewing revenue, contributing ideas, ultimately making among all our council budget.
Source: PSOE Totana