Totana Socialist Youth believes that "when there are thousands and thousands of young people without a future, because they can not afford your home, not having a job, being unable to pay the high tuition fees, not to have scholarships to continue their education. Openness of a study room is somewhat anecdotal, and its treatment by the PP information merely reflects the status of the user. "
Young Socialists Totana remember that "only in education budgets in 2013 represent a 3.8% cut in scholarships between 2012 and 2013 budgets, Erasmus grants have been cut by 75% PP; and since the PP government has come to have cut a total of 5,200 million euros in education, not to mention the loss of the Basic Income Emancipation, or shut the solemn inability Popular Party Mariano Rajoy and to boost budgetary active employment policies to reduce youth unemployment. "
To the President of New Generations of PP must be reminded that "to indoctrinate young people and is the minister of education reform Wert, which is a tailor-made suit of the episcopal conference, with single-sex education, imposition of the subject of religion and public money to private and charter schools. I mean, this reform is more suited to the times of Franco that the XXI Century ".
Totana Young Socialists defend "a public, free and quality can ensure equal opportunities for our youth. A society is educated and prepared future, the People's Party wants is to always, a Spain illiterate, docile and servile ".
Source: JST