Since last Friday, December 14, and you can enjoy the Christmas atmosphere in school Deitania.
Both teachers, the concierge, and students of all courses have collaborated in decorating throughout the Centre.
As every year, Bethlehem has been performed at the main entrance of the school.
As background for the entire assembly depicted a blue sky with fantastic stars made and decorated by students from lower primary at home.
Students in the second and third cycles, have been developed for their classes, some English Christmas themes, with the name of the students in each class as well as their own flashcards for learning vocabulary fun Christmas.
Meanwhile, students of Children also participated with their wonderful work done at home with their moms and dads, which used different art techniques worked in the classroom for their particular motif.
With all this work, the three school buildings have been nicely decorated with nice Christmas atmosphere.
During this last week of class, will continue to be in the classroom activities about Christmas.
In conclusion, on Friday December 21, will go to school a group of mothers for a Christmas storytelling, sing carols in English, French and Spanish, take the chocolate that will offer the AMPA school and finally receive a visit of their Majesties the Three Kings sludge that will offer students a small gift.
Source: CEIP Deitania