The secretary general of the PP and Councillor for Education, Maria Josefa Sanchez Mendez, praised "very positively" the approval of the Teaching Authority Act, an initiative that considers "a personal commitment of President Valcárcel and People's Party, as it was a regional electoral program objective "and that" we will enforce the professor in response to a demand for Murcia society, recognizing the important role they play. "
For Sanchez, teachers "are an essential part in the process of learning and personal development of the student," so that this law "guarantees legal protection resulting from this assignment as necessary, and the presumption of veracity the facts they find, something which only recognizes people who are in authority. "
"Therefore, teachers will be considered 'public authorities' teachers," he underlined, adding that "It is further contemplated that the damages suffered in the centers will pay the family of the student in question, who should pay if they estimates ".
As he explained, the Teaching Authority Act "is a smokescreen, as the main opposition party, in its line of criticizing everything from the Popular Party proposes, but responds to a demand of society Murcia, which recognizes the important role of teachers in our region, and to the need to invest in a suitable climate of coexistence and respect in the classroom. "
In this sense, the leader is popular stressed that the Bill has been shared with the entire school community in various forums of participation established as the School Council of the Region of Murcia, the Sectoral Education and the Commission of Directors, and finally, has received the approval of the Law Council.
This standard, which considers Mendez Sanchez "important to provide effective solutions and to open new areas for consideration and real protection of the teacher", has the approval of the Law Council and will be implemented in all schools supported by public funds of the Region that educate unregulated non-university, extending both the teaching in the schools themselves and the rest of complementary and extracurricular activities.
Source: PP Totana. Foto: archivo