The PP will present a motion at the November plenary to urge the Government of Spain to promote a comprehensive plan to help the professional group of freelancers with concrete measures of fiscal and financial and membership contributions to Social Security to allow safekeeping to energize and activate the economy.
Popular spokesman, David Amoros, also requested in his motion to revise the membership fees to the independent Social Security and reconsider the cases of cessation of activity in order to receive unemployment benefits without adding more paying their dues.
In the same proposal seeks to implant the European directive on the common system of VAT in regard to billing rules.
According Amoros, self-employed account for 16.6% of the total employed population.
That is, of the more than 17 million Spanish workers, 2,884,700 are autonomous.
Despite the obstacles, the number grew by 46,000 people between January and June this year.
Thus, Spain closed the first half of the year as the fifth country in Europe to more autonomous, yes, well behind Italy (212,600) and the United Kingdom (80,600).
This increase is significant, even when taking into account that in the last quarter of 2011, 107,800 workers had lost their own.
Part of this growth is due to many search options for employees that have ended in unemployment and self-employment have been launched.
PP councilor says Spanish autonomous organizations have always claimed they are at a disadvantage relative to other countries and to other workers in the system.
In other countries, the entrepreneur, the self or contractor not only respected and valued, but also encourages the creation of self-employment as an engine of growth.
In the UK, for example, is much easier and less expensive to work on their own.
Another drawback for this group is that in almost all European countries, VAT is payable to the state once perceived, but in Spain is paid after manufacture, whether charged or not.
So far this year, 77.6% of the self evident that economic activity has continued his business of a negative trend.
Meanwhile, the decline in sales and the loss of activity have affected more than six out of ten autonomous.
David Amoros said that today the three million self-employed in this country up the shutters of their business with the idea of ​​survival, because the self is not the problem and if part of the solution to this crisis.
Source: PP Totana. Foto: archivo