Juan Tudela legs, better known as 'Uncle John Rita', today received one of the awards presented this year Mayor'2012 Awards, which each year gives the Department on Aging Murciano Social Action Institute (IMAS) .
With John Tudela have been awarded the residence of elderly San Diego Lorca and the congregation 'Sisters of the Poor'.
The Minister for Health and Social Policy, María Ángeles Palacios, today chaired the ceremony for the awards, which was held in the hall of the General Archive of the Region of Murcia.
The jury found that 'Uncle John Rita', with 100 years of age, meets qualities enough to deserve the top prize of the Year, as one of the stalwarts of tradition and regional folklore having dedicated his life to the art of trovo and sight-reading, its dissemination and promotion, especially among the younger generation.
Born in Aledo one February 14, 1912, but the vicissitudes of life he moved, along with his mother and brother to Zúñiga, in the town of Lorca, which was natural and lived until she married.
The Consistory totanero appointed as "Uncle John Rita", in February 2010, the title of Honorary Citizen, as stated in the rules of Protocol and Ceremonial totanero Consistory, in a ceremony held at the Center's Sociocultural Jail.
The city surrendered in February Totana institutional homage to Juan Tudela legs, better known as "Uncle John Rita", in an emotional ceremony to coincide with its 100th anniversary, which will meet next on 14 Feb, with the opening of a square that bears his name in the Triptolemos, between Avenue de Mazarrón and Cartagena street of this city.
The jury of the 2012 Major Awards is chaired by the Minister of Health and Social Policy, María Ángeles Palacios, and from him are part IMAS Managing Director, Fernando Mateo, as vice president and, as members, the CEO of Seniors IMAS, Enrique Perez, the second Deputy Mayor of the City of Murcia, María del Carmen Pelegrin, and Welfare Councillor of the City of Molina de Segura, Maria Dolores Vicente, both on behalf of the Federation of Municipalities and the journalists Veronica Lopez, Onda Cero, and Paula Pascual de Riquelme, COPE, representing the media.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana