The Health Minister Ana Mato, will open this Friday at the V National Congress Totana Rare Diseases, organized by the Association D'Genes, in collaboration with Feder Murcia, and whose opening session will also assist the President of the European Organisation for Rare Diseases (Eurordis), Terkel Andersen.
This meeting aims to standardize and raise awareness of the situation of people with rare diseases and to this end, will bring together leading experts in these diseases and affected many families.
The main presentations will be developed through Sunday include the President of Eurordis, who will speak about the actions that are taking place within the EU to provide opportunities for the affected by these diseases.
In addition, we will discuss issues related to the development of new resources for rare diseases, such as social networks.
Alongside presentations are scheduled as in the previous four editions educational workshops and meeting points for families.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana