The People's Party Executive Totana met last Monday night to see current issues and decided to congratulate the PP in Galicia and President Alberto Nunez Feijoo for their great victory in the elections last Sunday.
The president has said Bartholomew Peñalver is a historic victory in Galicia electoral victory and stressed that making a national reading, the result amply demonstrates an understanding of the policies of PP in Spain because there is no other.
As pointed out, "if the PP had lost the absolute majority already had in Galicia, the news would be another, political rejection of the PP Mariano Rajoy and across the country, but that has not happened, and what is Even better, most Feijóo has increased to 41 seats ".
Peñalver said that "this result demonstrates the assumption of Galician society that policy reforms are needed to overcome this crisis."
He said that the fall of the PSOE 7 seats in Galicia, stating that "the Socialists are now faced with a difficult situation, perhaps more than in previous times, then undergo internal fracture, not only in regard to their own ideas policies, but also in the message that moves to the citizens, which changes depending on the community where it is. "
As for the elections in the Basque Country, Peñalver said that "in this region has voted with a totally different key policies, marked by the cessation of violence by ETA, which has taken advantage Bildu environment, it is clear that the other political forces have lowered the number of votes. should be remembered that the legalization of political commitment was made at the time against the PP Zapatero in Spain. "
Source: PP Totana. Foto: archivo