"While the big department stores thrown away or destroy food to expire, many families in need and the institutions, such as Caritas or the Food Banks can not meet the needs of part of the population"
The Municipal Group of United Left Greens Totana City Council, presented an initiative to the House to require the Central Government the development of a Code of Good Practice for the distribution of surplus food before expiration, which destroyed large areas or thrown away, and ask whether such conduct criminalized.
"It is public knowledge that staples are thrown away daily, by supermarkets, a few days before its expiration date. Meanwhile, in Spain, the figure exceeds 10 million people at risk of physical hunger by the effects of the economic crisis ... "reason in its initiative the Selectmen Totana UI-green.
It is not acceptable, either legally, politically or ethically be destroyed when food staples, such as in Totana, hundreds of families are in need or have no access to basic food, in practice constituting a denial of aid to states necessities.
Left for the formation of the first constitutional obligation of the government is to ensure food and health to the population and must legislate, on an urgent basis for the development of a Code of Good Practice in the distribution of food surpluses in involving stakeholders (Red Cross, Caritas, Food Banks and humanitarian organizations).
Require the Government to improve the process efficiency, establish legal mechanisms for these surpluses are given to social organizations and distributed among the people most in need and raise awareness throughout the chain, from producers to consumers, to promote responsible drinking and reduce food waste.
Finally, the Municipal Group of IU-Greens propose to Parliament that the Government prepare a report on the practices of the large stores in the destruction and elimination of food before expiration and to establish as criminal offenses conduct involving destruction food, while millions of people in need who can not access them.
Source: IU-verdes Totana