The educational community of Totana held last night official opening of the school year 2012/13 in the town of Totana held in the cultural center "Jail", and served to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the public schools "Santiago" and "Santa Eulalia" and 25 of "Tierno Galván" respectively.
The event included speeches from Councillor for Education, Maria Josefa Sanchez, director of CEIP "Santiago", Fernando Ortiz, the director general of Infrastructure and Educational Development of the Education, Training and Employment, José María Ramírez Burgos, and the Mayor of Totana, Isabel Maria Sanchez.
The same also met members of the municipal corporation totaneros, principals, teachers, representatives of the AMPAS of different schools and students, especially from schools honored.
The director of CEIP "Santiago" spoke on behalf of the educational community of Totana and especially on behalf of the three schools this year to celebrate their anniversary.
The authorities have given to the directors of such centers, Fernando Ortiz, Frances J.
Serrano and Maria Cabrera, various commemorative plaques by the City in recognition of his contribution to the social development of Totana.
The various public officials appreciated the great effort made daily by teachers, who have assumed an important role in the education of the children and praised his work, having to adapt to measures of budget cuts, extended hours and new reorganizations put up as a result of the economic crisis.
The mayor recalled, among other things, that the Totana has a network of educational infrastructure and enviable in the region referred to the inauguration of the new school of La Cruz, and the redevelopment of the CEIP "Regional-Deitania" .
At the end of parliament, was held the actions of choirs joined students from three schools honored and served to energize this institutional event, thanks to the work undertaken by teachers of Music Education, and covered by the survey of large audience that filled the theater's cultural center.
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Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Foto: