The neighborhood of San Francisco de Asís this weekend celebrates its patron saint, with the ending summer calendar of festivities in the neighborhoods and districts of the municipality of Totana.
Activities will begin on Thursday from 21:30 pm with the opening ceremony of the niche that the City has made, at the request of the Neighborhood Association.
The festivities will open on Friday, the 5th, at 21:30 pm, and then held the Macro Disco-Mobile and the big party of friends with tripping.
On Saturday, October 6, will be held the morning of Day II Fair San Francisco, at 17 hours, playgrounds.
As of 18:30 pm and held the field mass and procession with the pattern through the streets of the neighborhood.
At night, there will be a great festival with the group "Aires Latinos" and the great performance of comedian "Larry".
The festivities end on Sunday, October 7, at 9 am, with the great chocolate with fritters, Fair Day and VI totanera Paella Festival at the fairgrounds Totana, so that the rice and firewood The organization will offer.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana