On Sunday September 23, the President and Vice President of the Board of Illustrious Cabildo Acting Senior Totana processions, which is located in the electoral process, attended the committee meeting convened by the delegation of episcopal Fraternities and Brotherhoods.
The Commission was chaired by Episcopal Delegate Rev. Fraternities and Brotherhoods.
Mr. D.
Love Silvestre Garcia.
The day began with the celebration of the Eucharist attended by the Presidents of Cabildo and Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods throughout the Region.
Subsequently the Episcopal Delegate of Fraternities and Brotherhoods greet attendees and presented the Episcopal Decree on Formation of Leaders of the fraternities and sororities.
Then the head of the Episcopal Delegation, D.
Marcial Martínez Alarcón introduced the X Directory Diocesan Day brotherhoods, Cieza to celebrate the Jubilee of the Holy Christ of Consuelo, commemorating the 400 years that population.
Finally, there was an improvement over the III Cofrades Diocesan Youth, to be held in Ricote.
Source: Ilustre Cabildo Superior de Procesiones