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The Collective for Social Promotion "The Candle" signs agreement with Fundación La Caixa (18/09/2012)

On Friday September 14, 2012, the President of "The Candle", D.

Pedro Esparza, and Business Area Director of Caixa, Ms. Maria Jose Martinez Villa, signed a collaboration agreement between the two entities.

The signing of this agreement is its reason for being in the call, for 2012, labor integration projects that the Foundation "la Caixa" recently opened to all Spanish territory social entities to submit their proposals for action.

In this sense the Collective "The Candle" presented the work being done for years for the social inclusion of older people with social difficulties, being selected his initiative, which has received funding (€ 22,300) to continue their social work until June 2013.

From the Obra Social "la Caixa" will continue to drive social initiatives that help people in extreme difficulty of the whole Spanish territory, it is shown that this year is the second in which the Totana through " The Candle ", will receive funding this bank for social resources and training.

Finally it should be noted that, with this help, at least 60 people from Totana may receive one hand, social support resources for seeking to improve their personal and / or family, and other specific training and guidance in finding employment to improve their situation training / employment, with the ultimate goal of getting a job.

Again it is clear social responsibility and solidarity of many private entities, as in this case the Obra Social "la Caixa" and Collective for Social Promotion "The Candle", worry about being next to those worst it are going, those already in crisis before the "crisis" of those who will go on because one day somebody held out his hand and offered their support.

Source: "El Candil"

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