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The mayor announces more drastic internal adjustments to meet the 50% reduction of State taxes from October (10/09/2012)

The Mayor of Totana, Isabel Maria Sanchez, announced more drastic internal adjustments, some of them on staff, to meet the 50% reduction of State taxes that the City will enter stop from the month of October for compensation provider payment plan, while an imminent has advanced and progressive administrative restructuring to ensure services, on which we have been working this summer.

The mayor, the city spokesman, David Amoros, and Deputy Speaker Maria Josefa Sanchez, gave a press conference today to take stock of the first year in office and, above all, to present the guidelines and guidelines for government action in this new political year 2012/13.

Sanchez called this second year of the term 2011/2015 as "one of the most difficult of democracy", but declined to send a message "alarmist and scaremongering" another said "We are in a very delicate and very difficult" to despite which "not raise taxes to the neighbors."

On the administrative restructuring of municipal services, explained that he intended "to optimize human resources and this measure will mean significant savings to the city coffers and a rational structure of Council staff."

He warned that local government action for the coming year is to continue the work plan and the roadmap that was marked last summer, and reiterated "our spirit of protest and defense of the general interests of citizens and pulse and support of the sectors and companies that create jobs. "

The councilor said that this would not be "the mandate of major infrastructure projects and impossible" and insisted that "we will not waste time on fruitless debates that do not interest the neighbors, but we will be with their problems and their needs" , and that "it's time to do more with less, because in good times rule is very easy."

He called for continuing the "new management" Hall started a year ago "do not spend more than you have coming in and businesses and social and neighborhood groups to maintain services, programs and activities because there is more or alternative path. "

For this reason, thanked the solidarity and trust Totana citizens who have understood that "it was time to stop short, to take charge of this boat, to put on the table unpopular but very necessary, and that If we cut in subsidies for social groups, have understood the first and supported us, "he said.

In this regard, he argued that the "concept of sound, consistent and sensible" centers, he said, on three pillars, as are the austerity policy, support for productive sectors that generate employment and assistance to the most need.

Sanchez Ruiz said that under these cost containment measures, has reduced from the budget of the year 2011, four million, representing a 28% less, and 60% less than in 2007 when the budget was 43 million euros.

Moreover, he insisted that, in this political year, "we will continue to make an effort to promote dialogue and build consensus on important agreements with the opposition parties, especially on issues of interest concern and interest truly Totana's neighbors. "

He cited as an example of good management and policy coordination in the past year, achieving the guidelines unanimously out of the General Plan, which has allowed the partial approval of the document in the town and has allowed to be processed over 800 licenses by the Planning Department since.

Had an impact on the current local government "was not at all complacent or compliant with the various administrations, and we will not be in this new political" and said that "we have shown that we are a team of protest demanding and asking governments, both regional and state needs Totana citizens ".

He defended the adoption of extraordinary measures taken in the first year of the legislature, which aim to alleviate the serious economic and financial difficulties we are experiencing by local authorities and ensure that they can meet their obligations to try to continue to provide basic services.

He cited job creation as the "priority" of local government in the coming months by adopting policies that encourage private initiative, SMEs, self-employed and local trade and tourism.

He also commented that "what really worries me in the situation of individuals and families that are suffering: they do not have to make ends meet", and announced that "we will continue to support the agricultural sector, which always show his face in times of crisis, but also betting on other strategic sectors for job creation, particularly tourism and social action policies.

Finally, he appealed to the involvement and cooperation of political groups, business community, social and neighborhood groups, to "come out of the crisis together," and gave a message of hope, enthusiasm and confidence in the future.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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