The Consistory of Totana An important step in achieving the "City without papers" with the launch of digital document management earlier this fall.
New Technologies Councilman David Amoros, explained that the goal is to implement a solution that will improve document processes and improve the efficiency of internal work to save costs for the municipality.
Thus, thanks to the implementation of this program will be digitized input all records received in the Administration, so this first step alone will save more than 50,000 copies and archiving.
For now, as pointed Amoros, not economically quantifiable actual savings with the implementation of this system, however, "so if you are going to see reflected in the first instance is the optimization of internal work, the elimination of paper as well as the traffic nonexistent paper documents the municipal "as the mayor pointed out.
The mayor of New Technologies stated that City government is committed to modernizing the administration with a model that will gain efficiency, effectiveness and quality, and with the implementation of this system citizens will see a better response to their demands .
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana