After the success of the last two years, one in 2010 and another in 2011, which raised around 4000 kilos of food and approximately 4,000 euros were allocated to the needy, on Saturday September 8 will be held the THIRD EDICCIÓN with the groups: DISCORD, BANDA JALEO, setback, THE JUKEBOX AND THE TRAKS in the auditorium of the city park "Marcos Ortiz" Totana from 20:30
Admission is solidarity a Kilo of food to 3 euros.
The festival is organized by Brothers Palomares (Chroma) and has the support of Q factor and Nomads in Action Productions.
The making of "First Blood" by Discord
The group Discordia Murcia, which includes two totaneros, introduced in 2010 his video "First Blood", and has recently published the "making of".
This song is the third cut of her album "Fever," which was edited in May 2010 by Damn Records.
The video, recorded during the second fortnight of August 2010 in Aledo under the direction of Miguel Alba Tejerina, was attended by Toño Pantaleon actor, known for his appearances on popular television commercials.
The baton of photography was done by Joshua Ubiría Gazpio, all with the support of technical equipment and human Qtuma.
This is a film production format of the PC nonsense Madrid production company in partnership with Zinea Sortzen and Redcam.
Source: / Discordia