A total of 7,860 citizens have used during the months of 2012 facilities located in the offices of the Department of Citizen Participation located in the C / Menorca, 23 under.
The most important services that are provided in this municipal agency is the Department of Information, Guidance and Counselling Association, the Volunteer Service Department, the service equipment and infrastructure loan associations, the Municipal Register of Associations and Institutions; the immigrant Care (Community level), the Mediation Service Intercultural Training Services (access new technologies, training workshops, courses, etc..), the Office of Consumer Affairs, and the Department of Services for Women Victims of Violence Gender.
It is also located in the offices of the Department of Citizen Participation and Information Service Cancer preventive actions breast, uterus and prostate provided by the Spanish Association Against Cancer (Totana Local Board), the legal service to immigrant provided by the Association Welcomes Murcia, the legal service provided psychological addicts Nypacold Association, the Service Centre for people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue conducted by the Association Astofibrom, and socio-Care for the disabled, etc..
Those interested in learning about any of these services please contact Dependencies Department of Citizen Participation located in the C / Menorca, 23 under Tel: 968 41 81 72 pciudadana@totana.es.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana