Over 300 students from different schools participated Totana during the past school year in public libraries in the various programs and activities to encourage reading and training of users, while have been counted during the first seven months of 2012 a total of 11,752 loans and 1,309 renewals.
In the month there were more loans of books in libraries Totana was in March (2,047) and the least the June (1382).
Moreover, in the months of March (218) and May (203) were performed as many renewals of documents, respectively.
The average loans and renewals from January to July 2012 was very similar in terms of data is concerned.
These programs are conducted in municipal libraries are aimed at younger users who develop a taste for reading and purchasing habits of appropriate behavior, as an alternative leisure and recreation readily available.
These activities have been, among others, the "Kamisibai" (paper theater), aimed at children five years, which allowed children to publicize and disseminate this public service possibilities.
The initiative has involved pupils in primary schools "Clara Campoamor", "Carmen Baro" and "Dona Pepita Lopez Gandia."
In addition, other activities were organized for students of different ages, as "Every sheep with their partner" (1 Elementary Education), "Encounters with local author Morerita Galan" (2 primary), "Pirate Treasure" ( 3 ° Elementary), "Tales of a thousand colors" (4 ° Primary) and "Know Your Library" (5 ° Primary).
In these schools have come together to schools' Regional-Deitania "," La Milagrosa "," San Jose "," Santa Eulalia "," James "," Reina Sofia "and" Luis Perez Rueda ".
Along with these activities to school, there have been others with similar goals of reading promotion, development and extension library, as the second edition of "Book Review", "Storytelling" in World Book Day, among others.
Library in El Parral
Since the opening of the new library and study room "Jose Maria Munuera and Abbey", in June 2011, there have been an average of over a hundred hits a day and a high total of 541 new readers, of which 235 are adult readers and 305 to children.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana