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Totana Local Police and agents of the Security Forces and State Police conducted a device (11/05/2012)

Police and Totana Local Bodies and State Security Forces on Wednesday held a Public Safety of police to locate several people who had orders to search and seizure, and those suspected could reside in Totana.

Also identified several housing tenants, in which they had complaints and evidence that could be working as prostitutes, and others in places where it was suspected that he was producing the sale and consumption of narcotic substances.

The device consisted of 3 Local Police Totana and 8 other police officers.

During the course of the same 81 people were identified, and there was the arrest of two persons per indictment (1 for robbery with violence forgery and 1) and eight for the Aliens Act (6 of them released and cited for appear).

The nationalities of those arrested are: 5 Moroccans, Algerians 3, 1 Guatemalan and 1 Bolivian.

2 complaints were also made for possession of narcotics, 1 complaint for disturbing the peace, and 2 complaints for underage drinking in public places, respectively.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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