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The CLD of Totana starts with FECOAM-Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives of Murcia over ten free courses (10/05/2012)

The CLD will start, thanks to the collaboration of FECOAM-Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives of Murcia, more than ten free courses to train winners and farmers, unemployed workers may also attend.

These courses are completely free and will take place on demand, so you have to register with the Local Development Centre (Orchard Street in New 5 in the Industrial Park "The Saladar") or phone 968425003.

Specifically, it may make to the CDL course "Training for pesticide treatment plant" at baseline for 18 students with a duration of 30 hours.

In addition the course entitled "Training for pesticide treatments for livestock use" (30 hours), the course entitled "Training for pesticide treatments" (qualified level validation, 55 hours), "Occupational Health and Safety in the workplace: management Safe tractor "(14 hours)," Occupational Health and Safety in the workplace: safe handling and forklift traspaletas "(10 hours)," Occupational Health and Safety in the workplace: handling-packaging products in agribusiness "(10 hours)," Occupational Health and Safety in the workplace: an agricultural laborer "(10 hours)," Manipulator of fruit and vegetable industries. "

(10 hours), "Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) in horticultural plants" (20 hours), "Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) in agricultural holdings" (20 hours) and the course of "Conditionality in agriculture and livestock" (10 hours).

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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