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Unemployed youth make gardening practices in municipal areas in the framework of the "Labor" (26/04/2012)

Five young unemployed are doing gardening practices in different municipal green spaces within the project "Work: a step towards employability", which promotes and develops in Totana the Collective for Social Promotion "The Candle".

This training initiative is done under the collaboration agreement signed between this entity and the Department of Infrastructure, Housing and Environment Totana, developed in collaboration with the City of Totana and is funded by the Instituto Murciano Social Action (IMAS ) under the European Social Fund budgets.

The project involves pre-service practical training of the participants in theoretical and practical sessions, and lasts 30 hours.

In addition, course participants receive a scholarship gardening in assistance to the course is provided by "The Candle".

Participants are performing work of planting, seeding and transplanting of plants, design, installation and cleaning of gardens, use of tools and garden machinery, pruning, maintenance and care of plants and gardens and identification of plant species (herbalist).

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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