[The HDAD.
of Jesus on Calvary and Holy Communion thank the good work done by all members this Easter 2012]
The Brotherhood of Jesus on Calvary and would like to thank sacrament through these lines "the good work done by all members of this".
"To their aid commitment, and collaboration with which they have made it possible for images of the Brotherhood to march with elegance and respect they deserve through the streets of Totana.
Thanks also to our band of bugles and drums for their efforts throughout the year to reach the point where certain days, making us feel proud of their tremendous work.
And finally, thanks to so many people year after year working tirelessly with the sole aim of trying to control every last detail to ensure everything is perfect.
Congratulations. "
The Brotherhood
Source: Hdad. de Jesus en el Calvario. Fotos: Totana.com