Successful hosting and participation of the "Solidarity Square" in which a total of 18 partnerships were announced projects conducted in the municipality.
Similarly, associations used the site to buy, sell and trade items in order to finance itself.
With this initiative organized by the departments of Citizenship and Youth in the Plaza de la Balsa Vieja space self-financing led the social fabric at the same time be made known to other citizens of the municipality experiences between associations and groups involved.
Specifically participated Collective The Candle, Akacia Federation, the Spanish Federation for Rare Diseases, D'Genes, Wind Shelter Association, Pena Barcelonista, Solidarity Meeting Point, Atofade, Solidarity Association totanero Rake, Integra Centre Association, Anike Asoicación Volunteers Afemto, Creciment and Equestrian Therapy Association Murcia, Padisito, Astofibrom Association Totana Sun, and Solidarity with the children of Peru.
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Source: Ayuntamiento. Foto: / Video: Totana.TV