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A total of 15 students started the training program assistant and beauty spas (05/03/2012)

The councilman of Promotion and Employment, Mary Jose Baeza, today inaugurated the new training program "Beauty treatments Assistant", involving a total of 15 students unemployed, which has a duration of 350 hours and is free, and held at the Centre for Local Development.

The initiative is launched under a grant from the SEF and financed by the European Social Fund and will be held in the mornings, Monday through Friday.

The mayor acknowledged the personal commitment of each of the participants, since it has generated a waiting list view the wide acceptance; and stressed that one of the most important things in the current search active job is specialization of the worker and the company itself.

He also said that the objective of this program is that unemployed people can train and qualify in an occupational field, in this case, a solution to the labor market in the field of aesthetics, and added that it is a hinge between the world of training and employment.

Urged them to take this opportunity to train and exercise an entrepreneurial activity and, above all, to promote their personal development and noted that this course apart from promoting the labor market, will have the opportunity to work attitudes of respect, coexistence and social participation .

Source: Ayuntamiento. Fotos: Totana.com / Video: Totana.TV

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