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UPyD cree that the Supreme Court should do "everything possible" to make effective Morales in full the fine which has been condemned (01/03/2012)

The regional coordinator UPyD, Rafael Sanchez, said that "once in relation to the decision in Totem, which has convicted the former mayor of Totana to two years in prison and eight million fine, people expect that the courts do everything in its power to Morales to cope with the fine which has been condemned. "

In this regard, Sanchez said that "no one would understand that after avoiding prison, not the public treasury refilled more than eight million euros with which Morales has been fined."

"We do not believe that the case can end the" insolvency "as a ground for not returning all that disappointed."

Sanchez recalled that "the recognition by Morales, as head of the web of corruption that led and which was enriched by millions commissions, involves recognizing the existence of charges of amounts requested for advance planning projects."

"So this money is to be recovered now Justice to offset the damage that their actions caused."

Thus, Sanchez has held that "would create a state of" social alarm "if Morales guilty of the crimes of bribery continued, money laundering, forgery, embezzlement and infidelity in the custody of documents, and see reduced the penalty for pleading guilty, not for responding to the replacement of all the money defrauded and that there is sufficient evidence that was collected through the web of corruption that led. "

Source: UPyD Región de Murcia

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