Muñoz Francisco Costa has been chosen to receive the distinction of Honor Nazarene Easter 2012 and D.
Fructuoso Francisco Andrés will herald |
Totana Holy Week a year recognizes the work of people who work and collaborate in the aggrandizement of our Holy Week and our city.
On Friday January 20 at a meeting held at the Casa del Cabildo released the names of the Nazarene in Honor of Easter 2012 and the person responsible for delivering the opening speech.
Muñoz Francisco Costa has been chosen to receive the distinction of Honor Nazarene Easter 2012 and D.
Andrew will Fructuoso Francisco crier.
The Brotherhood of Veronica, which is closely linked Nazarene Honor in 2012, has published the following post on his Facebook: "Francisco Muñoz D. Costa, a person of undoubted Nazarene walking in processions of Totana, has been Chairman of our dear Brotherhood, Vice President of the Board once called Processions, who has run through his veins blood always Nazarene. has in its extensive resume with links to our Brotherhood family, beginning with his brother Manuel Muñoz Costa, continuing his nephew D . Fernando Muñoz Sánchez and now we are very fortunate to have in our policy with two of his three daughters, Agueda and Maria Jose Munoz Tudela. In short, a Nazarene head to toe. Therefore we must congratulate ourselves as worthy choice. Even knowing that the election has not been easy, by the number of worthy candidates for the committee formed for such designation, we reiterate our congratulations to the world totanero Nazarene. I know that, like those who preceded him earlier, totanero the Nazarene is represented in the person most worthy more commonly known as Paco "The Wet". Congratulations to Paco, La Hermandad de la Veronica and ultimately the world Totana Nazarene. I know first hand that it wants to dedicate this award to individuals Nazarene who unfortunately are no longer among us who like Paco who helped to make our Holy Week is in the place it deserves to be. Therefore, as they say in the jargon of bullfighting, is for you. Since you Brotherhood Paco, I hope that this Easter is for you and yours unforgettable. "
Fructuoso Francisco Andres was born in October 1963 in Cobatillas (Murcia) and his priestly vocation was forged in the Diocesan Seminary of Murcia.
After being ordained priest and play over eight years, different responsibilities in the parishes of the Provincial Cartagena and El Pozo Strait and San Pablo Albujón (Cartagena), was named pastor of St. James the Greater Totana in September 2000.
During the period 2000/10 assumed the responsibility of pastor of the parish of Santiago El Mayor by appointment of the Bishop of the Diocese of Cartagena-Murcia, stopping in that role in September 2010 for transfer as Vicar of the Pastoral Zone of Lorca.
During this decade, Fructuoso Francisco has undertaken a commitment presence of parish life and delivery, proximity and welcome to all those who in their daily work came to him, and his dedication to the restoration of the parish church of Santiago.
Also did a commendable job Fructuoso front of the Board of Trustees of the Saint, under whose chairmanship valuable performances were held significance as the commemoration of the centenary of the martyrdom XVII of Santa Eulalia, the acquisition of a throne of litter for Santa, restoration of the sanctuary as a whole as well as a long list of achievements, encouraged by his unconditional love and life Totana priestly delivery, among others.