For the secretary general of the Socialist totaneros, Juan Fco Otalora, is excellent news that in difficult times for the policy has 25 people who have taken the step unreservedly involved in an organization like the PSOE.
It also considers the socialist leader who is more important than having lost the election, there are people who come to the party not the sniff of profit or patronage, but to work seriously and from the beginning to contribute to the political transformation of this town that will suffer for three consecutive terms misrule and chaos on the right.
The secretary general of the Socialists also informed the Assembly that, as posed by statutes of the PSOE, in the coming months are going to renew the party leadership at all levels: federal, regional and local levels.
"This is a very important moment in the organization, and socialists are going to participate Totana intensity of this process," he added as well.
Otalora also said that the meeting, attended by more than a hundred socialist activists was very participatory and she raised the need to move in a game setting totanera open to society, rooted in their interests and needs, and the true and only real alternative to the PP government is dismantling all social policies, but is not able to give up their privileges, salaries or plugs.
The assembly of the PSOE in Totana concluded with a socialist family Christmas party, where in addition to live together, to share food and drink, sang traditional songs of the Passover totanera.
Source: PSOE Totana. Foto: archivo