On Saturday, November 28, Totana Rugby Club played a friendly match against Murcia B XV in Monte Romero Stadium in Murcia with honorable result of 21-10 in favor of combined Murcia.
This game is one of many that will dispute totanero Club during 2012 with a view to their preparation for regional rugby league to start in October next year.
The combined totanero completed a very interesting game, despite its short life, and made things very difficult for a team shot Murcia much.
The rugby players are fajaron totaneros so commendable in spite of being immersed still in a learning period both technically and tactically.
Murcia's team was surprised by the totaneros, who controlled well the first 30 minutes of the game but showed its inexperience by inserting the first trial for the XV Murcia.
A few minutes later, the CR Totana marked the first 3 points of its history through a penalty stroke converted by Adrian.
Later, in the second part, the XV totanero got the first test and transformation of its short history, a magnificent play of his three-quarter line converted by Domingo Perez.
Moreover, the XV totanero trial was aborted, of course out of play, which could have meant, with its corresponding transformation, 7 points for black combined.
On the final leg of the second part of the capital equipment experience and greater imposed its physical background to take the match scoring two more trials and their respective conversions.
Thus ended a hard fought match, which was the baptism of fire for the CR Totana and that means the beginning of his career in the world of Rugby.
Source: Club de Rugby Totana