The talk entitled "Playing to be equal. Coeducation," which took place last Tuesday at the cultural center "Jail", organized by the departments of Social Welfare and Education, was attended by fifty people.
During the session, Diana Sainz, Equality Officer of the City of Totana, transmitted to attendees how parents learn to be women and men and how this influences the time to transmit values ​​to our children, offering guidelines to educate through play encouraging equality between the sexes.
The rapporteur also provided to participating families tools that could be used to generate models using equal among their children toys.
Other aspects covered in the talk were related to why they are harmful sexist ads, how to educate the consumer and that toys are used to playing with them, fostering friendship and cooperation among others.
He urged parents to teach their children that toys do not have sex, and choice, taking into account the time approaching, toys that educate, that are safe for children and develop the imagination.
The talk, which.
was quite entertaining and interesting to the parents for the support audio-visual project, completed with the Decalogue to choose gender-neutral toys, which encouraged parents to choose toys that reflect the diversity of each person and buy toys that bring children, cooperating and sharing space, avoid buying violent video games.
The next talk, framed by the Municipal School Parent, will be held on Tuesday January 17th at 20:00 pm in the auditorium of "Jail" entitled "Prevention of risks in the home."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana