A total of 703 people have benefited from the training activities included in the programs of "Socio-Training" 2011 organized by the Department of Social Services, Citizen Participation and neighborhood associations.
Training programs have been financed in the Autonomous Community and the Ministry of Labour and Immigration, as well as organized training activities in coordination with other associations and organizations.
The mayor, Isabel Maria Sanchez, and branch councilor, Josefa Maria Sanchez, delivered yesterday at a ceremony held in the plenary hall, the diploma to the participants in computer courses, Child Care, Care the Unit and associated management, respectively.
The wide range of training has had a total of 56 courses of actions highlighting the Child Care (two editions), Kitchen Assistant, Care Unit, Computer Basics (two editions), Basic Management of Associations and New Technologies (two editions), Search and Resource Self-financing.
In addition, workshops were held for students Strengthening Primary Education (8 workshops) and secondary pupils (34 workshops); Workshops and Intercultural Awareness Activities aimed at Education Centers (4 workshops) and Intercultural Awareness Workshop directed to Associations .
Today, as reported, there is a waiting list to participate in training of 1,372 residents of Totana.
On the other hand, highlighted the activities carried out during 2011 in collaboration with organizations and associations that have participated in a hundred people, among which have highlighted the Course Computer recycling and training workshops on social entrepreneurship and economy .
There have also been other training activities in this category, as the workshop "Cualifícate as an entrepreneur," the e Basic Computer Workshop Workshop on "Conflict resolution, personal growth and human coexistence."
During the first quarter of 2012 is scheduled to take two training activities organized by Intergenerational Solidarity-COAG: Computing applied to job search (30 hours) and training of caregivers of dependents (65 hours).
Those interested can contact to be reported to the Department of Citizen Participation Menorca located on the street, 23 low or contact by phone 968418172 or via the web: www.participacionciudadana.totana.es
Source: Ayuntamiento. Fotos: Totana.com / Video: Totana.TV