The Department of Popular Culture and Festivities reports that finally the crumbs contest organized by the Business Association of Hospitality (ASEMHOS) and the City to be held on Wednesday, December 7, will take place in a garden next the fairgrounds and in the bed of the ravine of La Santa, as it occurred in recent editions.
The organization has been forced to move the celebration of this activity to an existing garden at the corner of St. Francis of Assisi Medium Street, just above the social hub of the local neighborhood of San Francisco, next to the fairground.
The reasons are due to the impediments that has put the Segura River Basin (CHS) on this occasion to be held in the channel of the Rambla de La Santa.
The Department notes that the contest requires participants to compulsory registration in the Socio-Cultural Center "Jail" for firewood can be facilitated by the organization, and it will be done, finally, in an existing garden next to the fairgrounds Totana.
The City will distribute free firewood and at the end of the contest, after tasting the various dishes by the jury, will proceed to the awards ceremony.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Fotos: archivo