The Department of Sports held on Saturday, November 26, the Badminton Tournament School Sports in the School Hall, which was attended by 99 students from different schools in the town, belonging to the categories fry , child and youth cadet, both male and female form.
According to sources from the Department, we must also emphasize collaboration in this event Totana Badminton Club and the participation of several students from the town of Aledo, specifically the Colegio San Cristobal de la villa.
The tournament concluded with the presentation of trophies to the top three finishers from each of the categories by the Councillor for Sports City of Totana, Bartolomé Pérez Pallares.
The school winners were: Mario Garcia Pallares (Colegio San Cristobal Aledo) in juvenile male category, Rocio Molino Canovas (Colegio Santa Eulalia) in juvenile female, Alejandro González Navarro (IES Prado Mayor).
For their part, male junior category winners were Lydia Maria Sanchez Tudela (IES Prado Mayor) in female children, Youssef Bachiri (Colegio Reina Sofia) in male cadet, and Vivanco Vivanco Jefferson (IES Prado Mayor), at junior male.
In addition, top-ranked students in this tournament will have the opportunity to participate in Phase Regional Championship Sports Promotion in the Region of Murcia, organized by the Directorate General of Physical Activity and Sport, in its Programme of Sports School Age .
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana