Aid Program Projects Social Initiative Obra Social "la Caixa" Social institutions include, in their request for 2011, six categories (Disability, Poverty and Social Exclusion, Volunteering, Intercultural, Social Action and Social Cultural) with a total budget of 20 million euros.
Thinking people, more than ever
"La Caixa" has chosen to reinforce more than ever at this time, his commitment to people.
In this sense, the Social Work held in 2011 a budget of 500 million euros.
The development of social programs, appropriate to the emerging needs in the current climate, accounts for most of the investment.
Overcoming child poverty, promoting employment among groups with difficulties, active and healthy older people and care for people with advanced disease are, at present, the four priority work.
Besides these, the organization encourages other projects to meet different social needs: prevention of drug use, access to housing, the positive value of diversity and multiculturalism in our society today, promoting volunteerism, microcredit or international cooperation.
Supporting education and research, environmental conservation and dissemination of culture complete the main objectives of the Obra Social "la Caixa".
The Association of Physically Handicapped Totana (MIFITO) is promoting the job placement program for people with disabilities are unemployed "Step Up".
This project is part of a current reality of extreme labor and economic crisis, a situation in which some groups have been hardest hit, as is the case of persons with disabilities.
That is why we pursued to maximize their reintegration into the workforce through training in a professional profile tailored to your interests, boosting employment and regular self-employment for them.
Also, the project aims to meet the needs presented by people in a situation of dependency and their families, since one of the profiles will be offered for home care assistant, whose practice takes place in the respite care program conducted by the association, expanding its resources.
Among the actions of the program include the provision of training to beneficiaries in the most demanded professional profiles, the guidance to stakeholders with respect to the profile that best fits their characteristics, the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for an adequate performance selected employment, work placements in the sector, and guidance for job search.
Offering professional profiles, after analyzing the needs of the area, are those of home care assistant, shop assistant and customer service.
The Fundación "la Caixa" this organization is working with an aid of 15,650 euros.
Source: Departamento de Comunicación "la Caixa"