The University of Seville, in collaboration with the City of Totana, conducted a workshop in the town "Cualifícate as an entrepreneur" whose registration period is open until tomorrow, Friday October 28.
The workshop "Cualifícate as an entrepreneur" is a free course of 15 classroom hours in duration which starts on Saturday October 29th and will have five training sessions, to be held on Friday November 11-18-25 and December 16.
The main objective of this training is to contribute to the attendants to train people to visualize what it means to begin a process of entrepreneurship at the individual and collective, and to show the basic elements of the self linked to the social economy that creatively, to tackle the economic crisis and lack of sustainable and community actions in the short to medium term.
With the formation is expected to motivate participants to identify opportunities for entrepreneurship, counting with the institutional support of existing resources in the locality, and to rethink ways of social development more sustainable, equitable and democratic both economically and spaces for citizen engagement.
The workshop has a quota of 35 seats and can participate persons residing in the municipality totantero, of any nationality over 15 years.
At the end of the workshop will be given a diploma.
The conference will take place in the Social Center "Barrio Camilleri Tirol" and is part of the social intervention phase out in the Region of Murcia Seville University through the Project for Excellence "Migration of indigenous peoples in Ecuador and Bolivia in Spain . Specific situations and prospects in the regions of Andalusia, Murcia and Valencia "and under funding from the European Regional Development and the Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science of the Junta de Andalucía.
For more information and registration contact: Pilar Cruz Zuniga, Project researcher and coordinator of activities in Totana: - 657 87 25 35, or in the Department of Citizen Participation of the City of Totana: pciudadana @ ayto - 968 41 81 72.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana