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The Canine Unit Meeting of the Local Police focuses its training sessions in the detection of drugs and explosives (18/10/2011)

The First Meeting Interpolicial Guide Dogs, involving 16 local police specialized units in Spain, is focusing its training sessions and animal agents in detecting narcotics and explosives and crowd control at mass events such as demonstrations and sporting events.

The agents are developing their lectures at the offices of the Local Police Headquarters, while performing their practice sessions with instructors specialists in the fields annexed municipal football stadium "Juan Cayuela" Totana.

In the training sessions involving agents assigned to the police canine units Gijón, Alicante, Burgos, Móstoles, Ceuta, Toledo, Villanueva del Fresno (Badajoz), Las Rozas (Madrid), Orgaz (Toledo), Alcorcón (Madrid), Rivas- Vaciamadrid (Madrid) and Villarreal (Castellón) and the Murcian town of Mula, La Union and Totana, respectively.

The program includes an exhibition on Friday morning at the municipal stadium "Juan Cayuela", to be attended by over 200 children from 5 ° to 6 ° of Primary and ESO 1, the different schools in this municipality.

In addition, the exhibition will be held this Friday, and will be open to the public at large, dogs of all localities mentioned above, as well as the Guardia Urbana de Barcelona, ​​San Fernando (Cádiz) and Rubi (Barcelona ).

During the exhibition, animals Drills for drugs and explosives detection, obstacles, and joint basic obedience as well as crowd control, which will simulate a demonstration, among others.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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