The components of the Illustrious Cabildo Processions High return to work.
The activities of delegationships begin in the coming weeks, and is the Music Investigation Board that first meeting has been convened to launch trials of the Banda del Cabildo.
According to sources the Illustrious Cabildo Processions Superior in a statement, the trials will begin next October 19 to 21'30h at the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Jesus scourged and Descent, located in the C / Sewer.
A year's address will be coordinated by D.
Luis Angel Sanchez and the band is open to any person fond of music, especially the components of the various bands of Totana.
All persons wishing to join the band should inform their respective Heads of bands that we indicate the objectives of the project and the selfless work that is done for the music and the festivals celebrated in the town.
The planned measures will be framed in the months of December and January and repertoire will consist of popular marches own this Christmas and festive.
On Friday October 14 from 21h, will be held at the Casa del Cabildo, the first meeting of presidents after the summer break.
In this first meeting of council will be presented to the new Counselor and address other issues such as calendar events and meetings.
Source: Ilustre Cabildo. Foto: archivo