Agricultural associations of the town of Totana, hunting societies, Murcia Hunting Federation, environmental agents and City Council have created a working group through which it will launch a "protocol responsible" for rabbit hunting in the area of ​​the municipality "that is causing so much damage to crops," as noted by the mayor of Agriculture, Diego Muñoz.
This workbench is analyzing the most sensitive points that are suffering a real blight on their crops with the rabbit plague to begin, based on the Order which has been declared Hunting Comarca Emergency Temporary special campaign hunting.
The regional administration, according to the charge of Agriculture in the municipality, has launched tools that promote effectiveness in controlling this damage by applying a series of preventive measures that increase the effort of hunting.
Thus, the capture may be performed on live networks or ferret and cage-traps and capturaderos, or using a firearm with the aid of dogs, according to the specifications of the order of existing bans, preferably all authorized forms.
Through these meetings, five bands will take to monitor the work of hunting, the places where it is performed, and copies that are hunted for a perfect knowledge of the situation.
It was also agreed that in the private hunting this hunt will be responsible for the owners thereof.
Munoz has expressed its gratitude to all who are part of this working because it has managed to combine efforts to prevent the field of Totana continue suffering the ravages of this pest.
In addition, he pointed out that this desk will be born a commission which will meet periodically to have constant communication that creates more problems in the proliferating field fauna.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana