The Department of Housing, through the Youth Housing Office and the One-Stop Housing, has received a total of 554 visits during the first months of 2011.
The most prevalent profiles consultations, were women compared to men, the age of 25 to 30 years, users with basic studies, which are in an active employment status and of foreign origin.
About 75% of inquiries received have been directed to information on rent subsidies, based on these consultations and processing information on aid to the tenant and the Basic Income Emancipation.
The rest of the consultations have been also associated with processing information regarding the rehabilitation of buildings and homes, pre-sale and disqualification of VPO housing, homeownership, consultation records, renewal of the right to grant the loan and other consultations agreed related to housing.
The Department of Housing is currently located on the second floor of City Hall's main building.
The opening hours of the Youth Housing Office is open from 09:30 to 14:00 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, the Single Window Housing, Monday through Friday from 09:00 to 14:30 and afternoons on Mondays and 16-Wednesday: 30a19: 00horas (during the month of August closed in the evenings).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana