Totana City Council has informed the local sports clubs this year will be stopped grants for the year 2011, as has been done with other associations and groups, given the current economic situation in the Consistory and as a measures include specific austerity sheet marked by the government team to clean up the city coffers.
The mayor, Isabel Maria Sanchez, and the Councillor for Sports, Pallares Bartholomew met with leaders of sports clubs to explain that these measures are temporary and have temporarily taken to reduce the maximum possible tension Current cash.
Thus, Sanchez Ruiz sent to clubs that the City Council will do everything possible to continue working to develop activities, programs and sporting events in the municipality through the logistical support and provision of sports facilities.
Regarding subsidies, the mayor explained that this year can not sign more cooperation agreements and that those who have signed in 2011 will be reviewed.
During the workday, policy makers realized the economic and financial situation of the Consistory and the new organizational and administrative structure for the 2011/15 term, and the municipal government salaries and staff confidence and exposed inability to split the payment of debt by the negative associations of banks.
Similarly, it was explained that the priority is to go gradually paying municipal debt with the association until 2011 and establish channels of coordination and support for the development of programs and activities that do not involve a cost added to the municipal coffers.
Furthermore, they insisted that they are unpopular but necessary measures to clean up municipal accounts and showed willingness to address the municipal debt as possible in order to continue working on the same line in subsequent years.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana