Juan Valero, signed the initiative, has expressed the desire to involve the political groups, citizen groups and neighbors, searching for true consensus and participation
"Through the media, we learned of the decision of the mayor who orders the technicians of the Department of Urban drafting error handling of the General Plan in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Planning Policy and Public Works.
From this group we want to expose Institutional our view on both the process and content of the General Plan, which we consider very important for the future of our people.
We believe it should have consulted with political groups to make decisions if you really looking for a consensus or meeting points in this and other important topics.
Specifically, we differ in what follows:
After 8 years of work and hundreds of thousands of dollars spent, you can not clear the situation by ordering the municipal officers to draw up the document "due to liquidity problems in the municipal coffers."
IU-Greens have always argued that local technicians are familiar with reality and with technical and legal support, should have drafted the Plan since its genesis.
In preparing the General Plan, the municipal officers must perform their work with clear policy guidelines on the type of city that totaneros want for the coming years.
There has been a thorough discussion on General Plan and would move much if the political groups and society in this effort is critical to our future.
The situation has changed decisively since 2004 and no resemblance to economic reality than live Totana in 2011.
The grave situation demands new solutions adapted, and with a clear vision in the public interest.
Would be a serious mistake to continue designing the General Plan only as a generator of resources to the City Council and not as a tool to improve the quality of life for our neighbors, the provision of facilities or services and sustainable economic model that demands our neighbors based on employment and diversification of the economy that responds to the current economic situation.
We disagree with the intent of the Mayor when he says that "shall report to the Commission created by the plenary at the end of last term ...."
Councillors IU-Greens believe that the public representatives of political parties should not "give account."
Give them real role and participation in key decisions for our future as a people, as in the case of the General Urban Plan.
It is very important to seek common ground between political parties and social groups, employers, unions and the public at large, rescuing documents and opinions that were collected with the program provided as an experience of genuine participation of residents in the development of General Plan.
Jobs that were parked later without any objective reason.
We request that the full City Council of Totana is positioned, after discussion in the main lines of work:
Designing, with maximum participation calenderized Work Program, based on the work and documentation produced during these years that meet the objectives in a broad political and social consensus.
Defining the model city for the next years, since the public interest, ensuring the necessary services and equipment in neighborhoods and districts.
Contemplating a sustainable economic model that respects the environment, diversifying the economy as a guarantee of business creation, business competitive and stable quality employment for workers.
Delegating leadership in the public, as owners of popular sovereignty that are to be actors with political parties in the design of future. "
Source: IU-verdes Totana. Foto: archivo Totana.com