Totana Local Police have arrested three minors, an Ecuadorian national and local residents, after trying to steal inside a home, the keys previously stolen the previous day.
Specifically, it was the landlord who told the room of the 092 who had caught inside the home to three individuals who had entered through the roof.
At that time, a local police patrol immediately presented himself at the scene and intercepted individuals on a roof, being arrested and taken to the police.
The detainees, who have many previous convictions for similar acts, were the keys to the house the day before to catch them through a window.
The owners, realizing the keys were taken from the bowler changed the door, so the alleged thieves, unable to open the door with the keys trying to enter through the roof.
Once instructed the relevant proceedings, detainees in the presence of their fathers, were immediately made available to the Prosecutor's Child Murcia.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Foto: archivo