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The municipality, with the collaboration of neighbors and Lebor Raiguero carries out the disinfestation of the plague of mosquitoes (31/05/2011)

Totana City Council has implemented through the Integrated Maintenance Department of the City, an initial plan for the disinfestation of mosquito infestation caused by stagnant water in the river Guadalentín, a situation that has caused unease among neighbors and disadvantages to the area near the flow of cattle.

This action is being carried out with the selfless help and cooperation of the neighboring areas and Lebor Raiguero who are suffering the plague of mosquitoes.

Comprehensive Maintenance Councilman City office, Sergio Lopez, recalled that after the refusal of the Segura basin is clean, has been, once again, the City Council has had to carry out this campaign.

On this occasion, as the mayor has pointed out, were the neighbors who have worked selflessly to the campaign and proceeded to spray the affected areas with the product that has provided the City for free.

Lee reiterated that for nearly two months were asked to Segura River Basin to proceed with the utmost speed, to clean up this flow, since the compentecia is yours alone.

No response to the agency, as the council has had to be once again the City Council to initiate this campaign.

The mayor noted that residents may apply more insecticide product through the Department, for which a technician will move to the farm, housing or other areas, for the amount of the product and its suitability in the area which is intended to take.

Lee has expressed his discomfort, as this treatment should have been conducted by the agency head of the river, the Segura basin (CHS), but the refusal to carry out this treatment, the City "as it is happening many times and with different municipal areas, has had to take over responsibilities that are unique to the state and finance, as the central government argues that not only have the budget to carry out, where they have always done. "

In this regard, he recalled that totaneros pay taxes like all citizens of Spain, so it should have the same rights and be without any services resulting from economic mismanagement of the central government coffers.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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